Guided Meditation For Stress Relief – Let Yourself Imagine!

Guided Meditation For Stress ReliefNowadays many people use meditation to relax and reduce stress and anxiety.

There are many types of meditation techniques, but today I will talk about guided meditation.

You don’t even need to ask does meditation reduce stress because many people acknowledge it, and there are scientifical studies that would confirm this fact for you. I believe that guided meditation for stress relief is an easy way to relax and find your inner peace.

Types Of Meditation

We can classify meditation in many ways. For example, there is passive and active meditation. You can read a little bit more about them in my article that I wrote a while back.

I love active meditation because I can actively use my imagination. Guided meditation is one of them, and I am sure it’s a great way to relieve anxiety and stress. It’s an active meditation because you resolve your problems by turning them into projects, and in that way find your peace.

Guided Meditation For Stress Relief

What is guided meditation for stress relief? Guided meditation is visualization or guided imagery. As I always loved to daydream and imagine things, guided meditation is perfect for me.

It can also be ideal for you especially if you have a vivid imagination. You can form images, places, or situations in your mind’s eyes that are relaxing for you. 

Does Guided Meditation For Stress Relief Work? Really?

Guided Meditation For Stress ReliefOf course, it does. All types of meditation help with stress reduction.

Stress triggers a fight or flight response that leads to the production of NF-kB, and cytokines. These elements can cause serious health problems. But meditation lowers the production of cytokines and NF-kB. Meditation is good for your well-being, and it gives you a sense of peace. 

According to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, meditation means to be alert and conscious and take deep rest at the same time. 

If you regularly meditate, you will have calmer life and more balance. Guided meditation is one way to achieve it. Who doesn’t want that? Then we don’t need to talk about stress anymore.

What a liberating thought! It will be so amazing to achieve something like that.  Yes, it takes time, and I won’t lie as I am speaking from my experience. I am more peaceful and balanced than before, but stress isn’t completely gone from my life.

How Can You Meditate?

You can find many free guided meditation videos or audio and try to understand if this type of meditation is helpful for you with stress reduction. These two guided meditations are good for stress relief, and after listening to them, you will feel carefree and relaxed. Enjoy! 🙂

Video from youtube user TheHonestGuys

Video from youtube user Jason Stephenson – Sleep Meditation Music 

You can buy amazing guided meditation audio and videos on Amazon or somewhere else. I found some examples, and you can check them out here. 



Are you practicing guided meditation for stress relief? 


Learn how to meditate and relieve stress while doing it, CLICK HERE to get more information.

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Thanks! Until next time!

Linda Mo

Founder of How To Reduce Stress Naturally

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  1. Thank you for mentioning Jason Stephenson. He is a very nice man whose voice is so very calming and he knows much about relieving stress. He has meditation music for various situations that calms the mind as well. Sometimes that is all I need is to stop and listen to his music meditations. He also has meditation for children that I have played for my child and they are very effective. I’m not sure how it works but it does.

    • Linda Mo

      Hi, Carole! Thank you for your comment! I am glad that you liked it, and I agree that Jason Stephenson has great guided meditations.
      Guided meditations helped me a lot in the past, and I am still practicing them.
      Interesting. I didn’t know that he has meditations for children.

    • Linda Mo

      Hi, Juan! Thanks!
      Yes, guided meditation is a great way to start. You need to tell me how it goes. 🙂

  2. Kourtney

    Hey great post! I love the Jason Stephenson video his voice is really chilled. Meditation has so many benefits, it allows us to develop introspection and view our thoughts and emotions without judging them and also calms our stress response making it less sensitive so we become triggered less. I appreciate the value you have brought to people with these guided meditation videos as getting started can be the hardest part.

    • Linda Mo

      Thanks, Kourtney! It means a lot to me. 🙂 I agree with your opinion. Thanks! I hope that people will benefit from them. Getting started is the hardest part for us all, and I remember how I started. It wasn’t easy…

  3. Meditation is very important to me. Such a calming practice helps to set the tone for my day. Both videos are quite relaxing, and I enjoyed them. I have never done guided meditation, but will surely bookmark this post for some sleep meditation music with Jason Stephenson. Thanks for sharing.

    • Linda Mo

      Hi, Carol! I am glad that you enjoyed them. Guided meditation is an amazing way to relax and let go of stress.
      Thanks! 🙂

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