20 Minute Guided Meditation For Relaxation

20-minute guided meditation for relaxation? What can it do for your well-being and stress relief? Are you going to feel better after it? Let’s see!

You are probably looking for a way to unwind, de-stress, and give your mind a much-needed break. It’s no secret that our daily lives can be filled with anxiety and tension, making relaxation not just a luxury, but a necessity.

If we are not thinking about how to deal with stress, rest, and relax, we can be overwhelmed by stress and that is bad for our health and well-being. 

That’s where guided meditation comes into play. If you’ve never tried it, you’re in for a treat. When you try, you may enjoy it the same as I did and thousands of people all around the world.

Woman meditating

What is It…

Guided meditation is a process where you meditate in response to the guidance provided by a trained practitioner or a meditation sound recording. Instead of trying to clear your mind on your own, you simply follow the instructions and let the voice lead you to a state of calm and relaxation.

What makes a 20-minute session so special? Well, it’s long enough to help you disconnect and relax deeply, and yet short enough to fit into your busy schedule. So by committing to this brief window, you allow your mind to reboot and your body to rejuvenate.

Sunrise Meditation

In this article, you’re going to find out about each facet of guided meditation for relaxation. From the advantageous impact on your health to setting up the perfect environment for your practice, think of this as a guide to the tranquility we all need.

Now, let’s set the stage for relaxation and learn how to create the ideal conditions for your 20-minute guided meditation. Creating a soothing atmosphere and understanding proper meditation postures are essential steps that will enrich your experience. Keep reading as we go into these preparatory steps.

Preparing for Your 20-Minute Meditation Journey

To get the most out of a guided meditation, setting the stage is key. For sure you don’t need a Zen garden or a babbling brook in your backyard. Something as simple as a quiet corner can work wonders. Before you start, you might want to silence your devices like your phone, dim the lights, or light a candle.

Lotus in the garden

Think about comfort when choosing what to wear. Soft, loose clothing generally works best in this case. As for posture, sitting with your spine straight on a cushion or chair supports alertness, at the same time ensuring you remain comfortable throughout the session. Being comfortable while meditating, is essential and that can help your mind and your body to rest. Please keep that in mind!

When it comes to incorporating meditation into your life, consistency is more valuable than duration. Aim for a reliable time – maybe that’s first thing in the morning, or right before bed. Daily practice, even for just 20 minutes, can significantly enhance the relaxation benefits.

Step-by-Step Guide to 20 Minute Guided Meditation

Now I am going to walk you through a simple, yet effective guided meditation that’s just 20 minutes long. It’s designed to help you unwind, let go of stress, and embrace a sense of calm.

Firstly, find a comfortable seat. Whether you are on a cushion, or the floor, the key is to keep your back straight. This isn’t just about maintaining good posture, but it’s about keeping your mind alert.

So you’ll start with a breathing technique that centers on deep, even breaths. Inhale slowly, hold it for a moment, then exhale gently. The goal here? To signal your body that it’s time to relax.

Video by Caroline McCready Me

Next, we’ll use guided imagery to further reduce stress. Picture a serene location—maybe a beach at sunset, or a quiet mountain retreat. Engaging your senses, you’re going to find out about the power of visualization in deepening relaxation.

I’m also going to introduce a touch of mindfulness. This part of the meditation focuses on being present in the moment. Acknowledging thoughts without judgment, letting them float away like leaves on a stream, that’s the strategy I like to leverage.

Kid Meditating

Remember, your first attempt doesn’t need to be your last. You can always adjust your approach down the road, especially as you become more attuned to what works best for you.

As you near the end of this guided meditation, I’ll bring your attention back to your breathing. You’ll take a few more deep breaths, feeling more relaxed with each one, before gently opening your eyes.

Choose something that resonates with you to focus on throughout your day. It could be a word, a feeling, or a visual from your guided imagery. This will help extend your relaxation beyond the meditation session.

Integrating Meditation into Your Daily Routine

You’re going to find out about turning a single session of guided meditation into a powerful daily habit. This isn’t just about the 20 minutes of tranquility you’ve just experienced; it’s also about extending the peace and clarity into your everyday life.

Vide by Boho Beautiful Yoga

I’m here to help you with some tactics for making meditation a staple in your routine. Firstly, start by choosing a time slot that resonates with you, maybe early in the morning or right before bed. It depends on you. The key is consistency, remember that. Your first attempt doesn’t need to be perfect, just pick a time when you’re least likely to be disturbed.

Now, what about those mornings when your bed is just too comfortable or those evenings when work has left you drained? Don’t worry too much about that. On days you feel resistant, try a shorter, more focused meditation to keep the rhythm without overwhelming yourself. You can always adjust how you do things or when. 

Some may face hurdles like distractions or finding it hard to stay focused. Many of us experience that I believe. But if you want to overcome these, remember to be patient with yourself.


Now you found how 20-minute guided meditation for relaxation works and how it can help you with stress. There are also some video sound recordings you can try. 

Every skill takes time to develop, and meditation is no different. Choose a quiet corner, use noise-canceling headphones if necessary, and gently bring your focus back when your mind wanders. I really hope that you stick with this practice.


In my opinion, meditation can offer an anchor amidst our turbulent lives and makes us more calm. By dedicating just 20 minutes a day to this practice, you’re setting up a strong foundation for stress resilience and emotional well-being.

Are you ready to learn more about meditation and what it means? If you are,  CLICK HERE to get more information.

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Before we wrap up, I’d love to hear your feedback. How did the guided meditation go for you? Did you try them before? Are there particular challenges you’re facing? Leave your comments, and let’s continue the conversation. Keep practicing and watch how these moments of calm positively influence the rest of your day.

Thanks! Have a nice day! Until later

Linda Mo

Founder and owner of How To Reduce Stress Naturally

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